
Below you'll find a selection of articles published by media outlets that I've been featured in. Ranging from PRweek and Brandwatch to the Dailybeast and The Telegraph.
My thoughts on what's coming in 2020 for influencer marketing
My thoughts on TikTok influencers as part of a Talking Influence report.
Why Influencer Marketing Is All About Education
I've written this piece for Talking Influence, discussing why education is such an important element of influencer marketing
What does 2019 have in store for influencer fraud?
I wrote this article on influencer fraud for Traackr back in 2019.

I was interviewed in the Netherlands for a Dutch media outlet. This interview has generated over 30,000 views.

Fake influencers are outsmarting the industry - and it's our own fault
I wrote this opinion piece for PRWeek at the height of influencer fraud in 2018.
Featured by the Telegraph to provide my opinion on how influencers could be utilised within marketing activation strategies.
How Social Media Influencers Can Boost Your Event Brand
Interviewed by Eventbrite to provide insights on how brands can tap into events and leverage influencers.
Interview: Eight Key Influencer Marketing Questions with Industry Expert Philip Brown
Interviewed by Brandwatch, discussing current topics within the influencer marketing industry.
Featured in this Daily Beast article discussing the rise of micro-influencers in 2017.
Smash-and-grab approach is turning influencer marketing into a straight up shi* show
I wrote this opinion piece for PRweek, focusing on the importance of long-term, always on influencer marketing campaigns.
New influencers: changing the face of PR and marketing
Interviewed by PRweek to discuss the increase in popularity when it comes to influencers and influencer marketing.
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